Creating Valuable Human Capital to drive Lean through Setup Time Reduction (SMED) training.
Setup Time Reduction is also known as Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED). Setup Time Reduction enables rapid changeovers are vital for the implementation of Pull Production. In this class we learn about the concepts and techniques for Setup Time Reduction which is one of the cornerstones of a lean production process.
Want to know more about SMED?
Here is an interesting article about Single-minute exchange of die (SMED) which is also known as Setup Time Reduction. This tool is crucial to enable production lines to switch over to produce different parts rapidly. This allows for smaller batch sizes as switch-over times become much smaller. Smaller batches means less inventory which also means less cash tied up in the inventory. Faster switch over times also means more flexibility to respond to customer orders leading to shorter lead times.
What is SMED about?
SMED or Setup Time Reduction was developed by Shigeo Shingo, a Japanese industrial engineer who was extraordinarily successful in helping companies dramatically reduce their changeover times.
He brought new ideas and thoughts about how change over times can be reduced and challenged the conventional thinking of the day. These techniques are stilll very relevant today.
Here is an interesting article that tell you more about SMED.
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Tel: 9735 1136
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The Kata of Karate
The word 'karate' comes from the word 'kata'. Kata can be thought of as a practiced routine set of actions that one has internalised, which become a habit, almost an unconscious way of doing things. Toyota kata is hence an internalised routine method of learning from trials, making adjustments that are necessary, and implementing the next improvement in moving from the current condition towards a target condition. It is the real Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) actions that allow us to continuously improve.
Lean IT: What is it?
It is actually, quite a large subject. I will endeavour to describe what Lean IT is all about in several articles over the next few months. I will begin by referring to the many tools & techniques of Lean. In Lean (whether Lean IT or Lean used in other functions/industries) there are many tools and techniques. Broadly these tools & technqiues can be categorized into 5 main groups, for Problem Solving, Improving Process Flow, Direction Management, Daily Management and Building Continuous Improvement Culture