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Providing facilitation of Kaizen Events to help your organization make rapid improvements in performance

In Lean Management and Lean Six SIgma kaizen events are facilitated workshops focused on working on specific improvements in a value stream. One of the key reasons why kaizens are run is to ensure that improvements are made quickly. Projects which take longer than 6 months are less likely to be completed. Those that take 12 months to complete often don't get done at all. Why does this happen? Well things change in organizations. Priorities change, customer demands change, competitors move in the market, people get promoted or leave the company, managers are under pressure to resolve esclations so distractions come and so on.


So the aim is to make the improvement fast if an improvment is needed. When issues in a value stream needs to be fixed, the idea is to fix them quickly using a focused full-time event held over period of 4-5 consecutive days. This is dedicated team problem solving team time. Distractions are minimized, the intent is to get the change done and get it up and running. Often the end result of the Kaizen is a pilot implementation. Sometimes when possible, full implementation is completed by the end of the kaizen project.


Typically, the team investigates the issues, spends time at the gemba, performs root-cause analysis, goes back to gemba to check if the analysis is valid, develops the counter-measures and builds an implementation plan. Implementation typically begins during the Kaizen event itself. Where possible it is completed by the end of the Kaizen event. The aim is implementation!

The team that takes on the Kaizen project usually comprises 5-7 personnel coming from the core area to be changed, the upstream process from it and the downstream process after it. A team leader with leadship capabilities and organizarional capabilities is essential. He/she mst also have a clear vision of what the team is to achieve during the Kaizen event and 'what good looks like' as an outcome. 

After the Kaizen event, the team is usually given 30 days in which to complete all outstanding action items. The team will re-measure the performance of the value stream and celebrate the improvement achieve.

Eagles Wings Consulting has been operating since 2004. We have a wealth of experience in Lean Six Sigma. In our client base we have faciliated approximately 500 kaizen events for our clients.

This is an excellent video, produced by the Franciscan St. Francis Health System in Indiana. It shares thoughts from leaders about their practice of "kaizen" or continuous improvement. 


Read more about it in the book "Healthcare Kaizen" at



Thank you for your interest in our services. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to contact us:

Eagles Wings Consulting Pte Ltd


Tel: 9735 1136

Why Eagles Wings Consulting?


* Lean, Six Sigma, Agile & Service Design

* Significant experience

* Leadership and ground level experience

* Operating since 2004

* Based in Singapore

* Training, Consulting & Coaching

* Clients from many industries including            Health-Care, MRO, IT, Education,                    Government, Oil & Gas,  Manufacturing,        Finance, Telecoms and many others

The Kata of Karate

The word 'karate' comes from the word 'kata'. Kata can be thought of as a practiced routine set of actions that one has internalised, which become a habit, almost an unconscious way of doing things. Toyota kata is hence an internalised routine method of learning from trials, making adjustments that are necessary, and implementing the next improvement in moving from the current condition towards a target condition. It is the real Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) actions that allow us to continuously improve.

Lean IT: What is it?

It is actually, quite a large subject. I will endeavour to describe what Lean IT is all about in several articles over the next few months. I will begin by referring to the many tools & techniques of Lean. In Lean (whether Lean IT or Lean used in other functions/industries) there are many tools and techniques. Broadly these tools & technqiues can be categorized into 5 main groups, for Problem Solving, Improving Process Flow, Direction Management, Daily Management and Building Continuous Improvement Culture

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