We provide a wide range of Lean training courses to meet your needs
Lean courses for Lean Service, Lean Office, Lean Healthcare and Lean Manufacturing
We are happy to inform you of our range of Lean training classes:
Lean A3 Problem Solving - This is an introductory class on lean management and includes concepts, principles and key lean tools. The training is activity based with exercises, demos, activities and simulations.
Lean Champion - This class is geared towards senior managers and managers who will be equiped to coach project teams to resolve problems. The class also covers learning and practice sessions on lean management leadership behaviours including the correct ways to gemba walk, developing teams and subordinates with continuous improvement thinking skills and establishing daily management.
Lean Lead Certification - this is a certification program to develop Lean Leads. The class is activity based and participants learn how to perform A3 problem solving of lean management beginning with problem definition and taking baseline measurements, through to the information and data gathering phase and to the root-cause analysis phase, ending with implementation of counter-measures and measures to sustain the improvements made. Participants obtain practical learning through project work.
Lean Tools & Techniques - this class focuses on the many lean management tools and techniques available as counter-measures. Tools covered include one-piece flow, FIFO flow, mistake-proofing, Toyota 5S, Sphagetti diagrams, workload balancing, demand leveling, heijunka, kanban pull, visual management, standard work, leaders standard work and many others.
Visual Management & Huddles - this class focuses on visual management, visual communications, development of visual boards and huddles. Why they are important and how to establish them. It includes practical learning and practice sessions.
Value Stream Mapping - we have several lean training classes for value stream mapping including value stream mapping for health-care, value stream mapping for business processes, value stream mapping for manufacturing and value stream mapping for MRO.
Lean 3P Design - this is a class on the Lean production preparation process. The 3P Design approach is used to design a facility (eg a hospital or a warehouse) to optimise its layout along with the processes to be used in the facility.
Toyota Kata - this refers to the learnt internalized routine used by employees and teams within organization to practice continuous improvement. This is an activity based class around the learning and internalizing such behaviour. It will make use of lectures, activities and simulations to achieve the key learning points.
Setup Time Reduction (SMED) - this lean training class focuses on the approach to and the benefits of setup time reduction.
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) - TPM is a focused approach to drive significant performance improvement for equipment. This class covers what this entails and how this is achieved.
Standard Work - this is an activity based class to develop standard work. Participants will learn through lectures, discussions and activities including practice developing standard work.
Kanban Pull - it is more than meets the eye how kanban systems are developed for lean operations. This class take the participants through a series of design exercises to develop a kanaban system.
Lean Supply Chain - there are many considerations to lean out an extended value stream and this class provdes the knowledge and guidelines how this is achieved.
Leaders Standard Work - this lean training class focuses on bringing the participants through the learning of what LSW is, its benefits, how it is developed and used, and the continuous learning that takes place in using LSW.
Lean Accounting - Traditional accounting systems are often at odds against lean improvements. Lean accounting is an approach that helps organizations overcome such conflicts. Participants will learn the key points about Lean accounting through lectures, discussions and exercises.
Theory of Constraints - TOC uses a process to identify the contraint in an organization and restructures the rest of the organization around it. Through lectures, discussions and exercises participants learn about TOC and how to apply the TOC to optimize the goals for the organization.
Lean Training
Our Lean training is based on experience we have gained from twenty years of working in Lean Management
We build into each training class a wealth of experience and simulations and exercises are used to surface conepts, principles and tools so that we maximum learning takes place
Simulations and exercises
We make careful use of simulations and exercises during our Lean training classes to bring out concepts and principles. The simualtions and exercises allow for 'Learning By Doing' trainingand participants learn throughout the class in easy and practical ways. Benefit from our years of experience
Thank you for your interest in our services. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to contact us:
Eagles Wings Consulting Pte Ltd
Email: robert@eagles-wings.info
Tel: 9735 1136
Why Eagles Wings Consulting?
* Lean, Six Sigma, Agile & Service Design
* Leadership and ground level experience
* Operating since 2004
* Based in Singapore
* Training, Consulting & Coaching
* Clients from many industries including Health-Care, MRO, IT, Education, Government, Oil & Gas, Manufacturing, Finance, Telecoms and many others